Thursday, October 25, 2012

College Will Be The Death of Me

College will really be the death of me. I mean I am sitting in my MTH 148 class right now and my professor seems as if she is trying to teach herself as she goes. She always seems so lost while giving a lecture. I didn't sign up for this! The professor I wanted left after a week because she had to take care of her kid. I understand and it is very noble of her to take the semester off, but the school could have picked a better teacher than this lady.


Alright now that I am out of the math class, I left early because I can't stand her nasally voice. Math is not my only issue, history class is no walk in the park either and that is an online class so it makes it worse. My professor is a very rude guy and all the people I have met that have taken his class all said they had to repeat the class. So far I'm not doing too bad and I have a high C in the class. Aside from that I am doing pretty well in all my classes. Next semester however will really be the death of me. I have to take 18 credits and I will be there 4 days a week, possibly 5 as opposed to the 2 days a week this semester. Also they won't be the easiest of classes. It is going to get a bit overwhelming I guess.

Now I know I sound like I'm complaining a lot in this post and I am, but if you know me you know that I hate school. If it were up to me I probably wouldn't even be in college right now. Just to put a little spin in this story, I am going to school for a degree in Elementary Education. I hate school and I want to become a teacher. It doesn't make sense to me either.

~ A 

Heartbreak in the Music World

This is truly a dark night, Every Avenue is calling it quits for a while. They have not broken up and they are on good terms with each other, but it will be a while before they're back again. They are appropriately calling their last tour The Last Call Tour. It will feature Conditions, Set It Off, Car Party and Wilson. I have never been to one of their shows and considering they're from Michigan and so am I that this is awful. They will be here on 2 dates and maybe I will get my chance. You can find tour info here:

Its a shame to see a band like this go. Their music is awesome and speaks to people on so many levels. Their last album, Bad Habits, was a favorite of mine. The songs were all great and I even bought the hard copy of it. It was basically the sound track for my summer while I was driving around with the windows down. A song that was only available if you got the album off itunes was called "If I Knew" and there was so much raw emotion in that song that even now I get a tear or two listening to it.

I can go on and on listing some of my favorite tracks, or you can just go listen to them for yourselves and allow your ears to go on the best ride of their musical lives. To the people who don't know who this band is/was, I feel sorry for you because you definitely missed out on something great. It was good while it lasted and I wish the guys well on all of their journeys and future projects and I will anticipate your return.

This is see you later, I'm not into goodbyes....

~ A

Monday, October 22, 2012

What I've been up to lately

Alright so I have been sick with the flu for the past three days and before that I had midterms. No much went on during the week because of the studying and prepping I was doing for these tests that would determine a lot for me. I mean if I had failed my midterm for history, there would have been no way to come back and I would have just dropped the class because its better than having an F on my transcript. Life of a college student it not too fun. Anyway, after all the studying and what not, I got the flu. I'm pretty sure it was because I used a computer on campus. I think I'm going to start carrying lysol wipes with me everywhere I go now.

While I was wallowing in self-pity and being my over dramatic self thinking I was going to die, I stayed in bed and decided to watch a few movies. I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Both a couple of chick flicks that are perfect for comforting someone who is sick. I had never watched MBGW and was really happy with it. I love how it was actually relateable to me and my Arabic culture. Greeks and Arabs must come from the same family tree with all those traditions that would probably seem pretty backwards to the American society. But, aside from that because I don't feel like having the discussion right now, I really enjoyed it and if you haven't seen it because you are a bit late like I am I recommend you watch it. I had already seen HtLaGi10D and I liked it just as much. What can I say, I'm a sucker for romantic comedies. I suggest both movies to everyone!

I am going to wrap up what is probably going to be one of my most pointless posts and go watch some more Supernatural. I'm late to that party too. Great show so far. Would have been deeper into it than just the 6th episode, but I got freaked out when I watched the first one at 2 am. I'm not too into watching scary things but I took a chance and it was obviously the wrong timing.

~ A

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Bit of Explaining

So it appears that I am not the worlds best blogger. I mean I was making blogs as opposed to creating new posts. I had a blog for my introduction and another one about what was my current read. I referenced the intro in the current read post. I clearly need a little more practice at this, but I'm working on it. So that explains the three, and now four posts in one day. Tomorrow I will probably post again about some movies I've been watching. So until then my lovely readers!

~ A

I Stand Corrected

So I think I need to apologize to Nicholas Sparks. My last post was about his novel "The Best of Me" and I basically said that it was nothing special. Now that I've finished it, I realized that I was so wrong. Towards the end it just got really intense and the scenes that he described were absolutely amazing.

There is a specific scene that spoke to me and gave me chills, the one about a car accident. I won't give too much information in case you choose to read it, but I connected to this part of the book because of my recent accident. I was close to tears reading it because I know that it could have been so much worse, especially considering that I got hit by a semi-truck.

Anyway enough about me and more about the book. Like I said, towards the end it got really interesting and I just wasn't able to put it down. It had a much different ending than I had expected. You get the gist of it towards the end and you know whats going to happen, but nonetheless it hits you just the way that Sparks most likely wanted it to. He is a great author and I hope everyone reads this book as they wait for his next novel and movie which are both in the process of being made.

~ A

Current Read

So I may have told you that I love to read, I've been called a nerd for it in the past, but who doesn't enjoy a good book? I said that Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors and I am currently reading one of his novels. "The Best Of Me" which I believe is his newest novel.

This book isn't like his others. By that I mean that it does have all the romantic aspects that you would expect from Sparks, but it isn't all about that. There are so many characters that he is speaking through in this novel. Little parts that seem unimportant, and when this book inevitably turns into a movie, probably won't make the cut. I have been able to read his books in a matter of days in the past, but this one seems to drag on and on. He has had books that deviate from just being romantic, such as "A Bend In The Road" which was a bit of a mystery, but this one is just a book. I feel like he had to write something and he did.

I'm sure all these little things will add up in the end and something epic will happen, it's just not happening yet. I'm a little disappointed with this considering I am more than three quarters into the book. I don't think I will be recommending this book any time soon.

~ A

A little introduction

So this is my first time blogging with words. I am on tumblr and I have gone on a couple of rants there and people liked them so I figured why not give this a shot. This blog will probably be things I find interesting like shows, movies, books, and interests. Or I may even go on some rants more often than I prefer.

Well I should probably say something about my self then? I am a nineteen year old in my sophomore year of college. I enjoy watching movies and different shows. I am majoring in elementary education. I hope to teach at the 2nd/3rd grade level. I love to read and no surprise Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite writers. I aspire to write a novel one day even if it doesn't get published I would just like to know that I can write one.

Anyway I hope you like my blog, or don't. I'll be back soon to chat some more :)

~ A