Friday, November 2, 2012


People lately have been saying how time is going so slow and that they want it to go by faster. Wait till we change our clocks this weekend, imagine how they will complain then! I don't understand why people want their lives to just pass by them, especially when they are going to sit and complain that they aren't living their lives to the fullest. I spend my time blogging and watching shows so I'm not necessarily the best example, but its what I enjoy doing with my time. I'm not sitting here and saying that time needs to go super fast so we can have the next day to complain about time again. They also complain if the day goes by fast. There truly is no middle ground for them!

I wish everyone would live their lives and just relax. Everyone is always so stressed about things. Stress can cause a lot of problems, not just for the mental health of a person, but for their physical health as well. I'm not a doctor so I won't get much into that.

Anyway, people need to take things one day at a time and take the days as they come no matter how long or slow they come. Appreciate the fact that you get to have another day. There are people who don't know if they will be waking up the next day and you don't see them complaining about the day going by so slow. Feel as blessed as you are.

~ A

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