Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama for 4 more years?!

So as promised via twitter (follow me at @freexpresionXO) here is my post about the 2012 election. Please note that the things said in this blog post are strictly opinion.

I want to start off by saying that I did not vote yesterday. Shocking I know, but I have my reasons. I feel that if you do not know what you are getting yourself into, if you aren't truly aware of who you are voting for, then you shouldn't. I didn't watch the debates so I didn't know what they were "promising" and promoting. I do know, however, that they have creepy smiles, or they were "dissing" on each other and what ever else I picked up off my twitter. The fact that people were more interested in those kind of things made me laugh because from what I understand not much was answered during the debates. So where did people get their information on who was the best choice?

On the little information that I did gather I didn't think either candidate was the right fit to run our nation. Now before people get angry about the fact that I don't think Obama is the right fit to run our country, the way I see it is I haven't seen him do much that has benefited me when in his four years. I know that Bush did a run on this country, but Obama hasn't done much yet to improve the damage. The unemployment rate has never been so high in over a hundred years. If that doesn't trouble people I don't know what will. Imagine another 4 years of that going down?

One other thing about elections and democracies that I just don't understand. There are other candidates that are running as well. Why don't they get to go to the debates and let their voices be heard. You never know, the future of our country, a candidate that could very well lead our country on the right path could very possibly be one of those candidates. I don't even know their names. If you ask all the children who learned about the election and had a mock election in their class they probably will only know about the Republican and Democratic party and won't know about the other candidates. What kind of message is this sending to ones who are supposed to run the country while we are in our old age?

Now before I leave you, I must say that in our society subliminal messages are everywhere and I want you to beware. My mom had full intention to vote for Obama, and when she went into the polls she voted Romney. She crossed out the vote and then instead of choosing Obama chose Romney again. The guy at the polling place just voided her vote, but the fact that she wanted to vote Obama and had his name in her mind but still voted Romney...please tell me you see something fishy about that? Subliminal messages are everywhere so I warn you to be careful!!!

I somehow failed to mention my theory up there and this is a little added bit. I don't want to be attacked for saying what I am about to say, but I think it needs to be said.

I feel that Obama agreed to promote same sex marriage and legalize marijuana strictly for the votes. I commend Romney in speaking his opinion about women (even though I don't agree with it and think he has a foolish opinion), immigrants, whether they are legal or not, and other things, despite the republican delegates telling him not to. There were no smoke screens to say things that please people to get their votes. Honesty is something we need to help our future get better.

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