Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Being a Teacher?!

Well I am kind of on cloud nine at the moment. I am on a teacher high, if you will. I didn't realize how close this is to actually happening now! Maybe I should explain a bit more.

I just wrote out my first activity lesson plan. I am quite proud of this work actually. I wish I could take it into an actual class and teach it to them and do the activity. The day that I actually get into a classroom of my own will be so nerve-wrecking, but so worth it.

I get asked why I would actually choose to be a teacher, and an elementary one at that. My answer is: there is something so rewarding about it. Of course I am not naive, I know that it will be hard and that is not just a bunch of coloring and nap times. I will get some students that will give me a hard time or some that just won't get the material my first time explaining it. Do this for me though, think about when they do get it, when they learn something new for the first time and it is because of you. No matter the crap pay that you get or the people who look down upon the profession, think about that little face that will look up to you because you made a difference to them. There is something so special about being a teacher and the impact you have on the children. You are the one that is molding this child's future. They base how many prisons to make off of third grade reading levels. If a teacher fails to teach a child with the proper nurturing and care and most importantly patience then they are basically setting them up for failure in the future.

Sorry to get so emotional about it, but I get really passionate about this. Should I even apologize though? I see some of the other people in the program and I just honestly wonder about them. I would not want to leave my child in their care. That is my point though, I want people to see me and my work and say "feel free to teach my children because I trust you." That word has so many dimensions to it and you can't always be confident in it and the judgement that comes with it.

Plain and simple, I want to make a difference.

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