Hey everyone, so I was looking at someones blog a while ago and I stumbled upon this 101 in 1,001 post. I looked it up and was surprised to see how many people have actually done this challenge type of thing. What is it you may ask! Well, it is a list of 101 things that you have 1,001 days to complete. It is not like a bucketlist in that these are smaller goals and things that can be done as part of any day. It isn't some crazy I need to travel all of the world, although I do have some traveling goals on here. But I also have "go on a picnic" on the list. So it is basically things that you want to do and having a time limit on it just helps you actually get out and do it. I think I am going to just keep updating this list when I finish something. I will make them in bold print to show that I have done them. I will also try and update with photos if I can. Without further ado, my list (in no particular order because I would have random moments of inspiration while writing this and would just add them as they came!):
- Write this list. - Took me longer than I thought it would! (7.29.16)
- Completely use up 5 full size makeup products
- Completely use up 1 eye shadow. (10.27.16) see here!
- Read 30 books.
- Take a spinning class.
- Go on a hike.
- Go on a walk every single day for a month.
- Post on my blog every day for a month.
- Complete a project pan 100%
- Go on a trip somewhere.
- Sketch 5 drawings
- Give 5 different people compliments in 1 day.
- Clean out my closet.
- Reach my target weight
- Go to a botanical garden.
- Read 15 minutes everyday for 1 month straight.
- Make a list and actually get through it all.
- Take a bath
- Graduate college
- Go on a picnic
- Eat at a new restaurant
- Bake something
- Get through 1 month calendar from blogilates, don’t miss a workout!
- Visit my sisters and brothers in Florida (8.5.16)
- Clean up my email inbox (no unread emails!)
- Go to a museum
- Go to the zoo (10.23.16)
- Complete the 20 day no junk food challenge
- Add 15 recipes to my personal recipe book
- Make 10 recipes from pinterest
- Declutter my makeup collection (8.13.16)
- Bake a cake from scratch
- Drink a smoothie for breakfast, everyday for 1 month
- Complete a sudoku book
- Fill in a month of my planner, actually stick to it
- Donate blood
- Donate to Good Will
- Get a library card
- Buy a bicycle
- Learn to ride a bicycle
- Become a vegetarian for 1 month
- Reach 500 followers on instagram (beautyandbookmarks)
- Secret
- Knit a blanket
- Knit a scarf
- Finish reading the ‘Harry Potter’ series
- Watch the entire series of ‘How I Met Your Mother’
- Watch the entire series of ‘Friends’
- Go a whole month without chocolate
- Buy my mom flowers for no reason
- Go shopping at an outlet
- Try self-tanner
- Do not make any makeup purchases for a month
- Write up my resume
- Do 10 book reviews
- Clean off my desk
- Keep my desk clean for a month
- Take a walk on a beach
- Do yoga 4x a week for 1 month
- Count all of my loose change that I have been collecting
- Save up $300 in change
- Create a style post on my blog
- Use up all the samples I have laying around
- Try 15 different face masks
- Organize a list of all the children’s books I have/have read
- Redesign my blog
- Go bowling (9.18.16)
- Declutter 20 things from my room, do not replace them
- Change my industrial piercing
- Buy something expensive for myself
- Get a mani/pedi
- Sell the dresses that I won’t wear again
- Actually learn to play my guitar
- Clear out all the drafts on my blog
- Stretch every morning for 1 month
- Read from the quran every day for 2 weeks
- Add 20 books to build my classroom library
- Finish my ‘Wreck This Journal’
- Use up a lip balm
- Deep clean my makeup brushes weekly for 2 months
- Get another piercing
- Go on the elliptical 4x a week for 1 month
- Get all caught up with my DVR shows
- Do my taxes
- Learn a dance routine
- Hit pan on every shadow in one palette
- Clear off my camera SD card completely
- Use at least 10 hyperlinks in my blog
- Follow 5 new blogs
- Buy the perfect LBD
- Watch 5 classic films
- Wake up at 8 am everyday for 2 weeks
- Wake up at 7 am everyday for 2 weeks
- Go on a road trip (8.4.16)
- Complete the 52 week money challenge
- Have a giveaway on my blog
- Walk 10,000 steps a day for 2 weeks
- Buy a set of real pajamas
- Inspire someone to write their own list
- Donate $5 to a mosque for every item I cross off the list.
- Save $10 for every time I cross something off of this list.
I am starting this on 7/29/16 and the end date is 4/26/19. I look forward to making my way through this list and seeing what on it I can actually complete. Let me know if are doing this as well so I can follow along!
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