Friday, July 29, 2016

101 in 1,001

Hey everyone, so I was looking at someones blog a while ago and I stumbled upon this 101 in 1,001 post. I looked it up and was surprised to see how many people have actually done this challenge type of thing. What is it you may ask! Well, it is a list of 101 things that you have 1,001 days to complete. It is not like a bucketlist in that these are smaller goals and things that can be done as part of any day. It isn't some crazy I need to travel all of the world, although I do have some traveling goals on here. But I also have "go on a picnic" on the list. So it is basically things that you want to do and having a time limit on it just helps you actually get out and do it. I think I am going to just keep updating this list when I finish something. I will make them in bold print to show that I have done them. I will also try and update with photos if I can. Without further ado, my list (in no particular order because I would have random moments of inspiration while writing this and would just add them as they came!):

  1. Write this list. - Took me longer than I thought it would! (7.29.16)
  2. Completely use up 5 full size makeup products
  3. Completely use up 1 eye shadow. (10.27.16) see here!
  4. Read 30 books.
  5. Take a spinning class.
  6. Go on a hike.
  7. Go on a walk every single day for a month.
  8. Post on my blog every day for a month.
  9. Complete a project pan 100%
  10. Go on a trip somewhere.
  11. Sketch 5 drawings
  12. Give 5 different people compliments in 1 day.
  13. Clean out my closet.
  14. Reach my target weight
  15. Go to a botanical garden.
  16. Read 15 minutes everyday for 1 month straight.
  17. Make a list and actually get through it all.
  18. Take a bath
  19. Graduate college
  20. Go on a picnic
  21. Eat at a new restaurant
  22. Bake something
  23. Get through 1 month calendar from blogilates, don’t miss a workout!
  24. Visit my sisters and brothers in Florida (8.5.16)
  25. Clean up my email inbox (no unread emails!)
  26. Go to a museum
  27. Go to the zoo (10.23.16)
  28. Complete the 20 day no junk food challenge
  29. Add 15 recipes to my personal recipe book
  30. Make 10 recipes from pinterest
  31. Declutter my makeup collection (8.13.16)
  32. Bake a cake from scratch
  33. Drink a smoothie for breakfast, everyday for 1 month
  34. Complete a sudoku book
  35. Fill in a month of my planner, actually stick to it
  36. Donate blood
  37. Donate to Good Will
  38. Get a library card
  39. Buy a bicycle
  40. Learn to ride a bicycle
  41. Become a vegetarian for 1 month
  42. Reach 500 followers on instagram (beautyandbookmarks)
  43. Secret
  44. Knit a blanket
  45. Knit a scarf
  46. Finish reading the ‘Harry Potter’ series
  47. Watch the entire series of ‘How I Met Your Mother’
  48. Watch the entire series of ‘Friends’
  49. Go a whole month without chocolate
  50. Buy my mom flowers for no reason
  51. Go shopping at an outlet
  52. Try self-tanner
  53. Do not make any makeup purchases for a month
  54. Write up my resume
  55. Do 10 book reviews
  56. Clean off my desk
  57. Keep my desk clean for a month
  58. Take a walk on a beach
  59. Do yoga 4x a week for 1 month
  60. Count all of my loose change that I have been collecting
  61. Save up $300 in change
  62. Create a style post on my blog
  63. Use up all the samples I have laying around
  64. Try 15 different face masks
  65. Organize a list of all the children’s books I have/have read
  66. Redesign my blog
  67. Go bowling (9.18.16)
  68. Declutter 20 things from my room, do not replace them
  69. Change my industrial piercing
  70. Buy something expensive for myself
  71. Get a mani/pedi
  72. Sell the dresses that I won’t wear again
  73. Actually learn to play my guitar
  74. Clear out all the drafts on my blog
  75. Stretch every morning for 1 month
  76. Read from the quran every day for 2 weeks
  77. Add 20 books to build my classroom library
  78. Finish my ‘Wreck This Journal’
  79. Use up a lip balm
  80. Deep clean my makeup brushes weekly for 2 months
  81. Get another piercing
  82. Go on the elliptical 4x a week for 1 month
  83. Get all caught up with my DVR shows
  84. Do my taxes
  85. Learn a dance routine
  86. Hit pan on every shadow in one palette
  87. Clear off my camera SD card completely
  88. Use at least 10 hyperlinks in my blog
  89. Follow 5 new blogs
  90. Buy the perfect LBD
  91. Watch 5 classic films
  92. Wake up at 8 am everyday for 2 weeks
  93. Wake up at 7 am everyday for 2 weeks
  94. Go on a road trip (8.4.16)
  95. Complete the 52 week money challenge
  96. Have a giveaway on my blog
  97. Walk 10,000 steps a day for 2 weeks
  98. Buy a set of real pajamas
  99. Inspire someone to write their own list
  100. Donate $5 to a mosque for every item I cross off the list.
  101. Save $10 for every time I cross something off of this list.

I am starting this on 7/29/16 and the end date is 4/26/19. I look forward to making my way through this list and seeing what on it I can actually complete. Let me know if are doing this as well so I can follow along!

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