Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Panning Pro Tag

Hello lovelies, I saw this tag floating around the Project Pan Community and I thought I would go ahead and do it. 

1) How did you learn about project panning? What was your first impression?

--> I had heard about project panning years ago and had once attempted it, however it was a complete fail and I got over it quickly enough. Then, a little less than a year ago, I started to see decluttering videos come up on Youtube and I became addicted to watching those. I noticed that a lot of the people who did decluttering also did project pans. I have been addicted ever since. 

2) What is the hardest thing you've panned? The easiest?

--> I think the easiest thing to pan for me has been eyeshadows, and I mean I only hit pan not completely use them up. Setting powders are also pretty easy for me to pan. The hardest is pretty much everything else. Lip products, with the exception of liners, are really hard for me because I like to rotate those, same goes for blush. Face primers also take me forever and a day to get through so I never end up using them completely in a project and I guess that makes them hard.

3) Have you attempted a Pan That Palette? Why or why not?

--> No, I think that having to stick to one palette for an entire year is way past my league of project panning. I don't know that I would be able to actually commit to it. I love rotating my palettes so often that it would be too difficult for me to be stuck using the same palette for a year. I am trying to hit pan on as many shadows as I can this year though and that is going amazing! 

4) Has panning affected your makeup buying habits? If so how?

--> I think that taking an inventory has helped more with my shopping habits than project panning. I do like to find products that I would be able to keep progress on and I reach for those more than something that I can't do that with. I guess I do think twice before I buy anything though. I mean that I always try to finish the products in my projects before I buy more for that specific category.

5) What do you plan to pan next?

--> I am always doing full project pan and I have several going on now, so I don't know how to answer this question. I love doing them roulette style because that way I have no idea of what I am going to be panning next.

6) Where do you get your panning inspiration/motivation?

--> From the panning community. It is such an amazing and supportive group of individuals. Seriously my favorite part of project panning is the community.

7) What is your favorite thing about the panning community?

--> Again, so supportive and motivational. It is such a positive environment and I didn't think that still existed on the internet. 

8) If you're currently project panning what one item is giving you the most trouble?

--> Like I said I am always project panning. Lip gloss. I have multiple lip glosses to get through and I swear they don't go anywhere no matter how much I apply.

9) How long do you plan to project pan? Do you see yourself stopping at any point?

--> I don't think that I ever want to stop panning. I love being challenged and trying to make sure I use products before it is time for another update and actually getting use out of my products. I think I will start to cut back a little and not be doing 5 projects at once like a crazy person. 

10) Would you recommend panning to others? How would you explain it?

I have attempted to explain my love of project panning to others and they just don't get it. I recommend it to very specific people who I know won't look at me like I am a crazy person when I start to talk about it. I guess I would explain it as just using the products that I have and not trying to go out and buy new makeup all the time when I have so much of it as it is. It is using the makeup you have before it goes bad so you aren't wasting your money. It is a challenge and it is frustrating as heck, but it's fun.

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