So I have been seeing this go around lately not only with blogs, but youtube videos as well. If you know me then you know that I have an obsession with watching youtube videos. Anyway as the title entails, here are 25 facts about me so that you may learn a bit more about me!
1. I am a Muslim and darn proud of it!
2. I don't swear/curse. My mom taught me it is unladylike and well that has stuck with me.
3. I am currently studying to become a teacher.
4. I don't like to watch movies that have scary little children in them. It intensifies the movie by a million for me!
5. I am the second youngest of seven children.
6. I could be content with sitting in my room all day watching youtube videos and netflix. Also with basically no connections to the outside world.
7. I can sometimes have weird insomnia attacks. Its is currently 3:55 am.
8. I have been wearing the hijab (Islamic head scarf) since I was 9. Contrary to popular belief, I chose to wear it on my own. I got a couple of parties to celebrate me putting it on. I have never regretted this decision.
9. I got straight A's all through middle school and most of high school. Darn you Chemistry and Film Studies!
10. My favorite color will always be green, like the basic green crayon that is vibrant and pigmented, but a blush pink is a close second and holds my heart right now.
11. I am a Winter baby, January 27th is my birthday and I am currently 20.
12. I am extremely empathetic and I will cry if I see someone crying and if someone has the sniffles my nose will start to run as well.
13. I really enjoy reading and I can spend a whole day reading and getting lost in the story line. To the point that my dreams are of what will happen in the book. This often confuses me and I have to decipher what is really in the book and what I have made up.
14. I have no problem re-reading a book. Some people have told me this is weird, but I love reengaging with the characters, and sometimes I will see a different meaning behind the story.
15. I am a hopeless romantic. I often spin castles in the sky (Quote from one of my favorite books).
16. I am really into crochet and could do it for hours on end. I am also learning how to knit.
17. I have always been shy, up until my mid-junior year/senior year of high school. I became comfortable with who I am and really became more outgoing.
18. I was in my first car accident early Summer '12. Let me tell you: The semi-truck will always win! But I managed to come out with very minimal damage to my person. I thank Allah (SWT) for this and say alhamdulillah as much as possible.
19. I can count the amount of times I have driven since my accident on one hand. No one in my family will let me use their cars anymore. :(
20. The spelling mistake you're and your doesn't bother me as much as definitely and defiantly. Two very different words, but people allow spell check to ruin a sentence and it irks me.
21. Yes, I was born in America despite the fact that I am Arabic. Apparently it means I am from overseas and I don't understand anything you are saying, but the truth is I speak more properly than you do most of the time.
22. I get bad social anxiety sometimes. Even if I am with friends and family, I will start to get uncomfortable, anxious and just want to be alone in my room again. This is not too fun.
23. I don't like people coming out of nowhere, like from around a corner or out of a dark room. I am easy to scare and it freaks me out every time.
24. I don't like stupid humor, such as Family Guy and American Dad. I can watch them, but I get bored really quickly and lose interest. Snarky humor is the way to go for me.
25. I enjoy a good debate every now and then, but I can get really heated pretty quickly sometimes and I get frustrated when people don't believe I am right. Which I always am.
Well there you have it! 25 things you probably didn't know about me, unless you know me in which case you probably know all of these. I was getting a bit stuck around 10 and was wondering how I was going to finish, but around 15 it picked up and I was wondering if I was going to have to make this a 50 facts post. Maybe I will do another one of these again in the future. I like the idea of seeing how I will be later on and the different things I will write then. I probably will also be saying to myself, "really I was like that?", but I guess only time will tell.