Hey everyone, so it is the night before the semester starts. I have a 9 a.m. class tomorrow and of course I am nervous. The reason being that it is a chemistry class.....I didn't do too well in chemistry in high school. But regardless of that, I always get the jitters and a bit of anxiety before anything remotely "big" coming up. Thankfully I know one of the girls in the class and I won't have to worry about going into a class blind. Don't get me wrong, I like to meet new people, but it helps when there is someone you know and can rely on if you aren't too great in a certain subject. Anyway, I'm anxious and should be asleep.....but of course I can't sleep. I guess I will finish this post after my first day tomorrow.
Well this turned into a first week of school post. Sorry for my extreme laziness, if you read my previous post on being a crap blogger (here) than this should be no surprise. It has been a bit of a busy week actually. My MW Chem class is a lot better than I thought it would be so far. As for the Culinary Arts classes that I was super excited to be taking on Tuesdays.....turns out they were lecture classes and there was no actual kitchen time. So I dropped those right after class (actually I couldn't even make it through the second one).
Now I can't go through a semester only taking one class because that would be an extreme waste of my time. I went searching and decided that online classes are always a great option, especially when most classes are full and I would need an override to get in. So rather than dealing with people, I looked online and managed to find a Psychology class that I hadn't taken yet (very hard, there was only 1 left) and an Algebra class. I am excited about the math because Algebra was always one of my favorite classes in high school (I know I am a geek, but who cares?) and because I haven't taken any legit math in college yet. In the 2 years I have been there I took my required math, which is Math for Elementary Education. If you have ever taken either of the 2 classes I have taken then you would know it is like going back to grade school all over again. Which surprisingly wasn't as easy as I would have liked it to be.
So anyway I am excited for this semester to kick into full gear, I mean as you all know that is when I will be doing my most posting!
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