Well my winter break is moving along nicely. As much as I dislike school I am actually anxious for the next semester. I really don't like not having anything to do. Anyway, the new year started and I am ready to embrace it! It feels like it is going to be a good year, although once I'm in school and freaking out over that I will probably change my mind. Then again, now that I have gotten rid of my old HP laptop, our time together was short lived but great nonetheless, and got myself a new Samsung Chromebook it is good so far! It was a sort of a little birthday gift to myself because I turn 20 on the 27th!! I love my birthday month and until that day I will be reminding everyone I know.
Anyway, seeing as it is the new year, it is time for some resolutions or goals for myself. I know people really hate them and I didn't realize that I know a lot of cynics until I read all their opinions on the matter. Regardless of what others think, I am setting these goals for myself and I will stick with them throughout the year. I will have no choice because I will be writing updates monthly so that I can keep track of my progress and so will you.
1. Get fit. This is a resolution that many people decide to go with, and well I am one of those people. I am going to make it specific though. I want to lose 15 pounds by June and almost completely cut out sweets and unnecessary foods. I'm not to sure about the sweets, but I will definitely try.
2. Post at least 3 times a month. One post will be dedicated to my goal updates, another will be miscellaneous, and the last will be a current reads update. The current reads one will be so that I make sure that I continue reading because I sometimes lose focus when I start school and I don't want that to happen. So basically, it is a goal within a goal!
3. Lastly, I want to have a more positive outlook on life. The phrase "misery loves company" always rings true to me. Somehow I always manage to surround myself with negative energy, and it isn't healthy. Bad habits form from this negativity and that will throw off my first goal.
So those are the 3 things I hope to keep up with throughout this year. People say that it is just another year and that no one really changes, but may I just say that I am not the person I was in the beginning of 2012. Are all my changes for the better? Maybe, maybe not, it really depends who you are asking. Everyone is going to have an opinion and it is up to you whether you choose to listen and act upon those opinions.
On a side note, I also hope to be graduating with my associates degree this year! That is definitely my top priority above all else! Have a great year everyone!!
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