Hello, you seemed to have stumbled upon my new beauty blog. I have never really written a beauty blog, and my original random topics blog is probably considered mediocre. However, that doesn't really matter to me at all. I am here to write and give my opinions, you don't have to agree with them but it would be great if you do. Maybe we can even be friends. Anyway I am getting off topic.
How I got into this and decided to start this was because I have recently discovered the wonderful world of beauty. I am 20 now and I only started wearing makeup 2 years ago. Before that I only wore it to parties and on holidays and things of the such. My everyday isn't all that glamorous and I can't do a smokey eye to save my life. But you know what they say, practice makes perfect. I am currently working on building my collection of beauty products and its coming along. I like to stay within the more affordable range of things when it comes to beauty, but I do appreciate my high-end things as well.
Bear with me through this blog, as I said I am a newbie. I hope to post more and more often as soon as I get my hands on a few more things on my list. I am aware that some of the reviews and things that I will be writing about soon probably already have many reviews by more well known beauty gurus. These opinions are completely my own and will probably go against what others say, or will completely agree; you never know. So I am excited to get this started already!
About my name: I chose Subtle Beauty because that is how I like my makeup. I feel that makeup should just enhance your natural beauty. I felt that this really represents me and how I feel. The 27 was added because someone already had the URL subtlebeauty. I checked and they don't use it anymore and haven't for a long time.
B/N (blogger's note) ~ While you wait for my next post, go check out my other blog where I have things that aren't beauty related. littlemisslovelytimes.blogspot.com
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