Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Project Ipsy Month 12 Update

Hello lovelies, it is time again for an update on my Project Ipsy. I can't believe that I have been doing this for as long as I have. I am really excited for this year to end so I can restart this project again. I have decided that I am going to be doing it a little differently next year so that I will be able to get more done. However, until then, I will just show you the little progress that I made this month.

I have finished 2 more products this month.

Nourish Organic - Argan Face Serum - This has been helping my skin with the dehydration issue and I have been getting more into serums since I had first started this. I wouldn't purchase this specific one, but I definitely plan on getting my hands on some sort of primer for the winter.

Smashbox - Photofinish Primer - I have had so many of these samples and really I don't know that it makes my foundation last any longer than it would otherwise. So I won't be purchasing this either.

Marc Anthony - Conditioning Treatment - I used this after coloring my hair recently and it smelled really good and actually made my hair pretty soft. The mark is under the word coconut.

Absolute - Lip Balm - I am still working on clearing the one half of it by the end of the year. Not sure how doable it is at this point.

Vasanti - Face exfoliator - I could have jsut used this and been done with it, but nope. I may have used it 2 or three times though. 

Mitchel and Peach - Fine Radiance Oil - I have been really enjoying mixing this in with my foundation lately. However I only need 2, 3 drops at most, and it is pretty slow moving.

La Vanilla - Pure Vanilla Roller Ball - I think if I had cared how I smelt over Thanksgiving break I would have been done with this, but I didn't leave for a week and I will smell as I please in my own home haha. Also it was in my room which my brother and his wife from out of town had taken over so I couldn't really get to it.

Not Soap Radio - Liquid Freud - Been making more and more progress on this. My hands have flared into full eczema mode and this will most likely be done by the end of the month since it is always in reach.

Chella - Ivory Lace highlighter crayon - same steady progress with this.

It Cosmetics - Brow Pencil - made the tiniest bit of progress with this from a week of use. 

Be A Bombshell - Lip balm - this went missing for a while so there is minuscule progress.

Trestique - lip crayon in Nantucket Nude - I am so proud of the progress on this one. I think I will definitely have this done for the finale! 

So there it is. This is not all the products I am working on, but it is the products that I actually have some progress on. There isn't much this month, but with Thanksgiving and the end of the semester coming up, things have been pretty busy and not much has been going on my face. I know I will have a lot more done for the finale, but the total is 39/90.

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