Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I don't exactly know where to start with this book, maybe I shouldn't call it a review, I just want to give my opinion on it and I am not sure how I actually feel about it.
It is a contemporary novel about a girl who starts college and is obsessed with writing fanfiction. There is much more to it, but I don't want to give the story away. If you don't understand fandoms or even know what they are, you probably shouldn't even consider reading this. Since I am not so into the fandom thing anymore, some of this wasn't all that interesting to me. In between chapters there was little excerpts from Cath's fic and some from the book that she wrote based on; I began to just skip over these because I realized it did nothing for the story line. The story line did nothing for the story line. There was nothing exciting about the plot and it was painfully slow moving throughout.
The main character, Cather, was slightly mentally ill and her dad was a little more than slightly, her twin sister Wren wasn't crazy by any means but she was an alcoholic at the age of 18 and kind of broken. All three were broken because the mom left when they were just 8. Cath says this is what caused her and her dad to go crazy. The whole story makes sense in its realistic ways, but it felt awkward and uncomfortable to read. Maybe because I saw some connections between me and Cath at time.
However, with everything mentioned above, I found myself not wanting to put the book down. I finished it in a matter of days. I don't remember the last time I read something that fast, especially considering that I didn't really care for it. The characters weren't the worst, kind of likable I guess. Maybe that was the saving grace, the characters and all their issues. I have a weird weak spot for reading books and watching movies where there is a character who is psychologically broken.
When I made it to the end, I was kind of angry with Rowell. It was abrupt and left more than a few questions unanswered. Of course it is a stand alone and there is no sequel. The reader is left to wonder for the rest of their lives about everything that happened next. This book could have been made into a great independent film had it not been for the ending. I can see how in a movie they would want to answer some of the questions, but it would seem forced and unnatural to the story.
Overall, I think this would be a good read for anyone who is part of a fandom or loves fanfiction, especially if they are going into their first year of college. Maybe just the college part would be enough to get you to read this. Everyone gets nervous about going to college and if you are someone who has constant anxiety this can be scary.
I look forward to reading more by Rainbow Rowell because like I said, I couldn't put the book down if I wanted to. Sorry if this was all over the place, that is kind of how the book made me feel. Read it or don't, you won't lose or gain anything from it.
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