Hello, you seemed to have stumbled upon my new beauty blog. I have never really written a beauty blog, and my original random topics blog is probably considered mediocre. However, that doesn't really matter to me at all. I am here to write and give my opinions, you don't have to agree with them but it would be great if you do. Maybe we can even be friends. Anyway I am getting off topic.
How I got into this and decided to start this was because I have recently discovered the wonderful world of beauty. I am 20 now and I only started wearing makeup 2 years ago. Before that I only wore it to parties and on holidays and things of the such. My everyday isn't all that glamorous and I can't do a smokey eye to save my life. But you know what they say, practice makes perfect. I am currently working on building my collection of beauty products and its coming along. I like to stay within the more affordable range of things when it comes to beauty, but I do appreciate my high-end things as well.
Bear with me through this blog, as I said I am a newbie. I hope to post more and more often as soon as I get my hands on a few more things on my list. I am aware that some of the reviews and things that I will be writing about soon probably already have many reviews by more well known beauty gurus. These opinions are completely my own and will probably go against what others say, or will completely agree; you never know. So I am excited to get this started already!
About my name: I chose Subtle Beauty because that is how I like my makeup. I feel that makeup should just enhance your natural beauty. I felt that this really represents me and how I feel. The 27 was added because someone already had the URL subtlebeauty. I checked and they don't use it anymore and haven't for a long time.
B/N (blogger's note) ~ While you wait for my next post, go check out my other blog where I have things that aren't beauty related. littlemisslovelytimes.blogspot.com
Hello lovelies, my name is Asmaa and I am here to write about my love for makeup, books, and well whatever else comes to mind at the moment that I feel necessary to share. Hope you find something you like here and keep coming back :)
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Current Read(s)
My oh my it has been a while since I have done one of these! Well you all should know by now that I am kind of a book worm and that I kind of like reading more than one book at a time. This is actually a new thing and I don't know if it because of the books and the accessibility to them or what, but it is new. I have three kinds of books for you today. I have one I am reading on my Kindle app, one I listen to on my Audible app, and one I am actually reading that is written on paper (yes, they still make those!). So I guess I will just dive right on in....even though I can't swim!
1. "Seeing Julia" by Katherine Owen
This has been in a couple of my current reads. I am slowly moving through it, faster now than I was before. The story line is building and I am getting a clear on who the characters are and that is something I like. I like to know the people in the books I am reading, I like to find them a bit relatable to me. I find Julia to be quite charming in a way. I also like Jake Winston and I am really interested to see if she will stop pushing away from him and just go for it all ready. I understand that she keeps losing people in her life and that this may make her stay away (also the fact that he is her dead husband's best friend! Scandalous!), but she needs to get over her fears. She needs to accept things for what they are. I really enjoy reading this is math class because it is right there on my phone and it isn't too noticeable that I am not paying attention.
2. "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel
I didn't really know what to expect when I first started this book. I honestly still don't know what to expect. At first I was a bit confused because I am listening to it on audible and I don't have a hard copy of it. It has two narrators: one speaking for Pi about what happened and about his life, and the second is a white man Speaking from his point of view as he meets with a more present Pi, the future one. This confused me at first because like I said, I didn't know what to expect from it. Anyway I really enjoy the detail that the story is told with. I particularly liked the chapters where Pi was describing the different religions: Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. There is so much detail and he speaks so beautifully about all of them. I of course really appreciated the things he said about Islam. May I just say though, I kind of find it funny that he can't pick a religion, but he explained it in a way that makes you understand his dilemma:
I know a woman here in Toronto who is very dear to my heart. [...]. Though she has lived in Toronto for over thirty years, her French-speaking mind still slips on occasion on the understanding of English sounds. And so, when she first heard of Hare Krishnas, she didn't hear right. She heard "Hairless Christians", and that is what they were to her for many years. When I corrected her, I told her that in fact she was not so wrong; that Hindus, in their capacity for love, are indeed hairless Christians, just as Muslims, in the way they see God in everything, are bearded Hindus, and Christians, in their devotion to God, are hat-wearing Muslims. (1.16.6)
He has managed to see the connection in all the religions. For a young boy of only 16 I believe, he has an incredible understanding of all three religions. Anyway, this isn't what the book is about, but it was definitely a favorite part of mine.
3. "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro
I have finished part 1 of the book, and so far it is different from anything I have ever read really. I am starting to get a couple of answers here and there, but nothing that is good enough for me. I want so badly to look up the book on the internet and see what is going on with this book and see if there is some sort of hidden message that I am missing, but I am staying strong. I heard that the movie is really good and to be honest at this point that is what is keeping me to finish reading this book.
So, this is what I am currently reading. Reviews of all three will be up as soon as I finish them. Now I have a question for you all: Does it count as reading a book if you are only listening to it? I prefer reading an actual book, but my audible app is really convenient for me.
1. "Seeing Julia" by Katherine Owen
This has been in a couple of my current reads. I am slowly moving through it, faster now than I was before. The story line is building and I am getting a clear on who the characters are and that is something I like. I like to know the people in the books I am reading, I like to find them a bit relatable to me. I find Julia to be quite charming in a way. I also like Jake Winston and I am really interested to see if she will stop pushing away from him and just go for it all ready. I understand that she keeps losing people in her life and that this may make her stay away (also the fact that he is her dead husband's best friend! Scandalous!), but she needs to get over her fears. She needs to accept things for what they are. I really enjoy reading this is math class because it is right there on my phone and it isn't too noticeable that I am not paying attention.
2. "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel
I didn't really know what to expect when I first started this book. I honestly still don't know what to expect. At first I was a bit confused because I am listening to it on audible and I don't have a hard copy of it. It has two narrators: one speaking for Pi about what happened and about his life, and the second is a white man Speaking from his point of view as he meets with a more present Pi, the future one. This confused me at first because like I said, I didn't know what to expect from it. Anyway I really enjoy the detail that the story is told with. I particularly liked the chapters where Pi was describing the different religions: Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. There is so much detail and he speaks so beautifully about all of them. I of course really appreciated the things he said about Islam. May I just say though, I kind of find it funny that he can't pick a religion, but he explained it in a way that makes you understand his dilemma:
I know a woman here in Toronto who is very dear to my heart. [...]. Though she has lived in Toronto for over thirty years, her French-speaking mind still slips on occasion on the understanding of English sounds. And so, when she first heard of Hare Krishnas, she didn't hear right. She heard "Hairless Christians", and that is what they were to her for many years. When I corrected her, I told her that in fact she was not so wrong; that Hindus, in their capacity for love, are indeed hairless Christians, just as Muslims, in the way they see God in everything, are bearded Hindus, and Christians, in their devotion to God, are hat-wearing Muslims. (1.16.6)
He has managed to see the connection in all the religions. For a young boy of only 16 I believe, he has an incredible understanding of all three religions. Anyway, this isn't what the book is about, but it was definitely a favorite part of mine.
3. "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro
I have finished part 1 of the book, and so far it is different from anything I have ever read really. I am starting to get a couple of answers here and there, but nothing that is good enough for me. I want so badly to look up the book on the internet and see what is going on with this book and see if there is some sort of hidden message that I am missing, but I am staying strong. I heard that the movie is really good and to be honest at this point that is what is keeping me to finish reading this book.
So, this is what I am currently reading. Reviews of all three will be up as soon as I finish them. Now I have a question for you all: Does it count as reading a book if you are only listening to it? I prefer reading an actual book, but my audible app is really convenient for me.
Monday, March 11, 2013
25 Facts About Me!
So I have been seeing this go around lately not only with blogs, but youtube videos as well. If you know me then you know that I have an obsession with watching youtube videos. Anyway as the title entails, here are 25 facts about me so that you may learn a bit more about me!
1. I am a Muslim and darn proud of it!
2. I don't swear/curse. My mom taught me it is unladylike and well that has stuck with me.
3. I am currently studying to become a teacher.
4. I don't like to watch movies that have scary little children in them. It intensifies the movie by a million for me!
5. I am the second youngest of seven children.
6. I could be content with sitting in my room all day watching youtube videos and netflix. Also with basically no connections to the outside world.
7. I can sometimes have weird insomnia attacks. Its is currently 3:55 am.
8. I have been wearing the hijab (Islamic head scarf) since I was 9. Contrary to popular belief, I chose to wear it on my own. I got a couple of parties to celebrate me putting it on. I have never regretted this decision.
9. I got straight A's all through middle school and most of high school. Darn you Chemistry and Film Studies!
10. My favorite color will always be green, like the basic green crayon that is vibrant and pigmented, but a blush pink is a close second and holds my heart right now.
11. I am a Winter baby, January 27th is my birthday and I am currently 20.
12. I am extremely empathetic and I will cry if I see someone crying and if someone has the sniffles my nose will start to run as well.
13. I really enjoy reading and I can spend a whole day reading and getting lost in the story line. To the point that my dreams are of what will happen in the book. This often confuses me and I have to decipher what is really in the book and what I have made up.
14. I have no problem re-reading a book. Some people have told me this is weird, but I love reengaging with the characters, and sometimes I will see a different meaning behind the story.
15. I am a hopeless romantic. I often spin castles in the sky (Quote from one of my favorite books).
16. I am really into crochet and could do it for hours on end. I am also learning how to knit.
17. I have always been shy, up until my mid-junior year/senior year of high school. I became comfortable with who I am and really became more outgoing.
18. I was in my first car accident early Summer '12. Let me tell you: The semi-truck will always win! But I managed to come out with very minimal damage to my person. I thank Allah (SWT) for this and say alhamdulillah as much as possible.
19. I can count the amount of times I have driven since my accident on one hand. No one in my family will let me use their cars anymore. :(
20. The spelling mistake you're and your doesn't bother me as much as definitely and defiantly. Two very different words, but people allow spell check to ruin a sentence and it irks me.
21. Yes, I was born in America despite the fact that I am Arabic. Apparently it means I am from overseas and I don't understand anything you are saying, but the truth is I speak more properly than you do most of the time.
22. I get bad social anxiety sometimes. Even if I am with friends and family, I will start to get uncomfortable, anxious and just want to be alone in my room again. This is not too fun.
23. I don't like people coming out of nowhere, like from around a corner or out of a dark room. I am easy to scare and it freaks me out every time.
24. I don't like stupid humor, such as Family Guy and American Dad. I can watch them, but I get bored really quickly and lose interest. Snarky humor is the way to go for me.
25. I enjoy a good debate every now and then, but I can get really heated pretty quickly sometimes and I get frustrated when people don't believe I am right. Which I always am.
Well there you have it! 25 things you probably didn't know about me, unless you know me in which case you probably know all of these. I was getting a bit stuck around 10 and was wondering how I was going to finish, but around 15 it picked up and I was wondering if I was going to have to make this a 50 facts post. Maybe I will do another one of these again in the future. I like the idea of seeing how I will be later on and the different things I will write then. I probably will also be saying to myself, "really I was like that?", but I guess only time will tell.
1. I am a Muslim and darn proud of it!
2. I don't swear/curse. My mom taught me it is unladylike and well that has stuck with me.
3. I am currently studying to become a teacher.
4. I don't like to watch movies that have scary little children in them. It intensifies the movie by a million for me!
5. I am the second youngest of seven children.
6. I could be content with sitting in my room all day watching youtube videos and netflix. Also with basically no connections to the outside world.
7. I can sometimes have weird insomnia attacks. Its is currently 3:55 am.
8. I have been wearing the hijab (Islamic head scarf) since I was 9. Contrary to popular belief, I chose to wear it on my own. I got a couple of parties to celebrate me putting it on. I have never regretted this decision.
9. I got straight A's all through middle school and most of high school. Darn you Chemistry and Film Studies!
10. My favorite color will always be green, like the basic green crayon that is vibrant and pigmented, but a blush pink is a close second and holds my heart right now.
11. I am a Winter baby, January 27th is my birthday and I am currently 20.
12. I am extremely empathetic and I will cry if I see someone crying and if someone has the sniffles my nose will start to run as well.
13. I really enjoy reading and I can spend a whole day reading and getting lost in the story line. To the point that my dreams are of what will happen in the book. This often confuses me and I have to decipher what is really in the book and what I have made up.
14. I have no problem re-reading a book. Some people have told me this is weird, but I love reengaging with the characters, and sometimes I will see a different meaning behind the story.
15. I am a hopeless romantic. I often spin castles in the sky (Quote from one of my favorite books).
16. I am really into crochet and could do it for hours on end. I am also learning how to knit.
17. I have always been shy, up until my mid-junior year/senior year of high school. I became comfortable with who I am and really became more outgoing.
18. I was in my first car accident early Summer '12. Let me tell you: The semi-truck will always win! But I managed to come out with very minimal damage to my person. I thank Allah (SWT) for this and say alhamdulillah as much as possible.
19. I can count the amount of times I have driven since my accident on one hand. No one in my family will let me use their cars anymore. :(
20. The spelling mistake you're and your doesn't bother me as much as definitely and defiantly. Two very different words, but people allow spell check to ruin a sentence and it irks me.
21. Yes, I was born in America despite the fact that I am Arabic. Apparently it means I am from overseas and I don't understand anything you are saying, but the truth is I speak more properly than you do most of the time.
22. I get bad social anxiety sometimes. Even if I am with friends and family, I will start to get uncomfortable, anxious and just want to be alone in my room again. This is not too fun.
23. I don't like people coming out of nowhere, like from around a corner or out of a dark room. I am easy to scare and it freaks me out every time.
24. I don't like stupid humor, such as Family Guy and American Dad. I can watch them, but I get bored really quickly and lose interest. Snarky humor is the way to go for me.
25. I enjoy a good debate every now and then, but I can get really heated pretty quickly sometimes and I get frustrated when people don't believe I am right. Which I always am.
Well there you have it! 25 things you probably didn't know about me, unless you know me in which case you probably know all of these. I was getting a bit stuck around 10 and was wondering how I was going to finish, but around 15 it picked up and I was wondering if I was going to have to make this a 50 facts post. Maybe I will do another one of these again in the future. I like the idea of seeing how I will be later on and the different things I will write then. I probably will also be saying to myself, "really I was like that?", but I guess only time will tell.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Fast February/March Madness!
Well February has come and gone and it has been a while since I have posted. I have a lot of posts that I have started because the idea came to me on a whim, and well now I have no idea where I was going with most of them. I feel like everything is a little bit crazy for me right now and I have no time for anything, and unfortunately that includes blogging. In particular I don't have time to write these monthly update things. I will stay up with my goals (not sure about the 3 posts a month one) so you don't have to worry about that. Now I have a couple of things I have in the works. They are still ideas and I am working out details on them.
So basically what I am trying to get at it is, I will not be doing a monthly update anymore. I feel like there is a kind of pressure that comes with it if that makes sense. It is like people expect it at the end/beginning of every month and I don't like that. I don't have time to write a update every month. I mean it is difficult for me to write a post and to have a certain time that I need to post by is a bit annoying for me, especially considering that I made it myself. I like the idea of posting when ever I want, not when I need to. The fact that it is the 8th and I have yet to blog about my goals, or whatever I was calling it, for February actually bothers me. It should have been up, but unfortunately things happen and I can't always blog.
I know this is rather a useless blog for most people, but I had to say it. Please bear with me, this awful semester it almost over and I will never take 18 credits in one semester ever again! I will definitely try to be posting more often. Like I said, there are plenty of drafts that are waiting to be finished and maybe one day they will be! So I will hopefully be writing soon! :)
So basically what I am trying to get at it is, I will not be doing a monthly update anymore. I feel like there is a kind of pressure that comes with it if that makes sense. It is like people expect it at the end/beginning of every month and I don't like that. I don't have time to write a update every month. I mean it is difficult for me to write a post and to have a certain time that I need to post by is a bit annoying for me, especially considering that I made it myself. I like the idea of posting when ever I want, not when I need to. The fact that it is the 8th and I have yet to blog about my goals, or whatever I was calling it, for February actually bothers me. It should have been up, but unfortunately things happen and I can't always blog.
I know this is rather a useless blog for most people, but I had to say it. Please bear with me, this awful semester it almost over and I will never take 18 credits in one semester ever again! I will definitely try to be posting more often. Like I said, there are plenty of drafts that are waiting to be finished and maybe one day they will be! So I will hopefully be writing soon! :)
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