Hello lovlies, long time no post. I apologize about this and won't give any excuses but instead get right into the review of what I got in my ipsy bag this month. For starters the bag this month is by far my favorite! It has made its way into my handbag and will probably stay there for a while.

I was really excited to try the Zoya nail polish in Mason. Its a gorgeous purple color with pink and magenta shimmer in it. Naturally I put it on as soon as I got the chance. I wasn't too impressed with it. I chipped very easily and was easy to peel off as well. This may be because of the base coat I put on under it so I will have to give it one more try with a different base coat. Otherwise I would never pay $8 for a nail polish in general, especially one that chips so easily.

Next is this gorgeous loose pigment by bella terra in Navy. It's a mineral pigment and I don't normally where these types of things becuase they are so messy, but I know I will eventually use it as it is too pretty to let go to waste. I like that Its a nice navy color because it makes me want to wear it a little more. These run for $15 on the website.

The medium Coastal Scents shadow brush was one of the next things in my bag. I wasn't particularly excited about this because it isn't an expensive brush and I already own one like this. However I don't have anything from the brand and they are inexpensive (this brush is only $2.50!) so I might buy others from them.

Seeing as I just finished up the pack of makeup wipes I was using these LA FRESH oil-free face cleansing wipes came at a perfect time. The pack comes with 10 wipes. They run for about $10 for 30 wipre on the website. That is a bit expensive in my opinion, but they are eco-friendly which is nice. They are scented and I can't get my finger on what the smell it but it is not that unpleasant, that is not to say that I prefer the scent. I have sensitive skin and these wipes are made for that so we'll see how it goes.

Last is another texturizing spray from Sexy Hair. These travel size sprays usually run for about $6. I'm not a big fan of these sprays because I either don't know how to use them or they just don't work. My hair already has texture as it is so I am hoping I don't get another one of these in a glam bag again honestly.
Overall it was a pretty decent bag. It doeesn't have enough of things I don't care for to stop my glam bag, but my favorite thing this month was the bag itself. I put in my reviews though so hopefully I will be getting a more appealing bag for November!